2022-04-26 12.19.24

Participation in the project “Spotkanie dla Ukrainy” with the support of the NGO “Fundacja Kopalnia Inicjatyw” (Poland)

Students and teachers of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University took part in the project “Spotkanie dla Ukrainy” implemented by the NGO “Fundacja Kopalnia Inicjatyw” (Poland), with the support of “Polsko-Niemiecka Współpraca Młodzieży” (Deutch-Polkgesge).

Chernihiv Polytechnic National University has been cooperated with the Polish non-government organization Fundacja Kopalnia Inicjatyw for more than 5 years. In peacetime, we organized youth exchanges on current topics.

The partner NGO has offered its support at a difficult time for us, inviting a group of students and teachers with their children to provide them safe and comfortable place to continue the education project online.

A group of students and teachers of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University took part in the peaceful rally within the framework of the project in support of Ukraine on the central square of Krakow; Visited Jagelon University, found out the University`s history and studying peculiarities. Students prepared and presented the social performance “No war. Ukraine-Poland” for Lyceum Students in Zakopane. In a symbolic form 4 stories of 4 people from 4 Ukrainian cities were presented, three of them managed to come to Poland (symbolically Polish cities` warm reception of Ukrainian refugees were depicted). One of them is the history of a girl who survived the stress from the waiting her father and loved one at home (Chernihiv).

Words of gratitude and impressions from the project participants:

“The school director was thankful to actors and project organizers and promoted a speech in support of the Ukrainian people. He asked to sing one more time a song “Oh, there is a Red Kalyna in the meadow” and then Ukrainian pupils came on the stage. Everyone has cried in the hall. Social performance made a huge impression on all people. Also Theatr i Museum im. Withacego tour for students was held. This theater is not a traditional, this is rather experimental one. Performances staging and organization of the entire process of preparation and presentation are non-traditional. Students were interested to get acquainted with this not a trivial approach to theatrical art.

The whole program, and especially the preparation and presentation of social performance influenced positively on the psychological state of the participants, it was a total catharsis.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to the organizers of the Fundacja Kopalnia Inicjatyw and the collective of the Austryjok complex. Thanks you to the Polish people for the warmth of hearts and support of Ukraine.”

Tetyana Detsiuk, Associate Professor

“The trip to c. Poronin was an important and necessary rest for us from the events we experienced at home. Good people met us and helped with anything. It was a pleasure to go to tour of Krakow famous places. The most emotional moment was the performance at the school at Zakopane, were we showed a performance about our present. We were supported by Polish teenagers and school staff and for this we are very grateful. I would like to thanks to organizers of the project and the Polish people in general for their sincerity and support .”

Anastasiia Makovetska, student

The project “Spotkanie dla Ukrainy” was implemented with the support of Polsko-Niemiecka Współpraca Młodzieży (Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk). The project photo report can be viewed at:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/195169437@N07/sets/72177720298774369/

Chernihiv Polytechnic National University thanks Polsko-Niemiecka Współpraca Młodzieży (Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk), NGO Fundacja Kopalnia Inicjatyw for the partnership and opportunities, the House of Europe program for the travel grant and all those involved for their help, efforts and willingness to support Ukranians.