
Visit to the Saarland University (Germany)

Within the framework of the ERASMUS+KA DEFEP project “Distance learning of the future: EU best practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and representatives of the labor market” from July 10 to 14, 2023, representatives of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University visited the Saarland University (Germany).

During the week, Nataliia Ivanova, the coordinator of the DEFEP project from our university, took an active part in the semi-annual meeting of the coordination council (establishment meeting, discussion of operational and financial management plans, project management plan, strategies for ensuring the smooth implementation of the project, etc.). Institutional coordinators of the DEFEP project were engaged in the development of communication and information dissemination plans, clarification of various aspects of interaction with representatives of the labor market, and preparation of reports.

In this period Serhii Ivanets and Nataliia Kholiavko participated in a study visit on the topic “Creating a Digital Master’s Program” at Saarland University. The program of the study visit included communication with European specialists in the internationalization and digitalization of higher education. German colleagues shared their own experience of organizing distance learning, talked about relevant software and hardware, as well as the peculiarities of conducting digital exams. German cases of digital transformation of universities and establishment of international cooperation between them turned out to be interesting and useful from the point of view of further implementation in Ukraine. Particular attention paid to the structuring of the system of information support and promotion within the framework of the project.

According to the results of the week’s work, the participants received certificates.

We sincerely thank the representatives of Saarland University for the rich program and quality organization of the stay of the Ukrainian and Moldovan delegations in Germany!