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University students received scholarships from the Leonid Kuchma Presidential Foundation’s Ukraine Charitable Organization

For the twelfth year in a row, the five best applicants for higher education in the previous academic year received a scholarship from the Leonid Kuchma Presidential Foundation’s Ukraine Charitable Organization. This year the scholarship recipients were:

  • Vakhno Valentyn Dmytrovych, fourth-year student of the Faculty of Social Technologies, Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Social Technologies, specialty 231 “Social Work”, educational and professional program “Social and Legal Protection”;
  • – Melikhov Ihor Oleksandrovych, fourth year student of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Electronic and Information Technologies, specialty 123 “Computer Engineering”;
  • – Savchenko Danyil Volodymyrovych, fourth year student of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Electronic and Information Technologies, specialty 171 “Electronics”;
  • – Stechenko Kateryna Leonidivna, fourth-year student of the Faculty of Law of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Social Technologies, specialty 081 “Law”, educational program “Criminal Justice (Judicial Prosecutor’s Office. Advocacy)”;
  • – Shcherbak Kateryna Anatoliivna, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Law of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Social Technologies, specialty 081 “Law”, educational program “Criminal Justice (Judicial Prosecutor’s Office. Advocacy)”.

These students showed the best results in teaching and research during the 2020-2021 academic year.

Melikhov Ihor: “I sincerely thank the Leonid Kuchma Foundation” Ukraine “for financial support. It has always been very important for me to know that my efforts in various fields have real results and benefit humanity in general and my native Ukraine in particular. I plan to spend most of the money on improving the equipment, because the quality and speed of the equipment and the relevant software will allow me to reach new heights in the future.

Stechenko Kateryna: “I would like to express my gratitude to the Leonid Kuchma Foundation“ Ukraine ”for supporting and motivating young people for self-development and improvement! Thanks to you and your Foundation, we are able to further realize our dreams and engage in self-development. I am sincerely grateful for the scholarship I have received, which I plan to spend on obtaining the second (master’s) level of study in law. For me personally, the scholarship of the Ukraine Foundation is a significant investment in the future that will help me get one step closer to my dream! ”

Savchenko Danyil: “I am very grateful to the Foundation for the nominal scholarship! It is a great stimulus for further achievements, motivates to conquer new heights. Thanks to these funds, I will be able to purchase equipment that will be useful during research work. “

Shcherbak Kateryna: “Thank you very much for the opportunity to receive a scholarship from the Foundation. I will spend the received funds on my development, namely on learning English, and on the rest of the remaining funds I will start my own project of legal direction ”.

Vakhno Valentyn: “Thank you to the Ukraine Foundation and all the people involved for the opportunity to receive a scholarship. Recognition of my educational achievements by Leonid Danilovich is the best stimulus for further development. Special thanks to the university teachers for their significant contribution to my professional growth; I learned a lot of important information about social work in Ukraine and its methods thanks to them. I am proud to study at a university that is one of the best, where future social workers are trained so thoroughly. I want to spend the money to buy training equipment, namely a laptop”.

Congratulations to the students and we wish further fruitful development in the educational and scientific fields!