
“Peace in digital time”: following the results of the project a round table was held in Chernihiv region

On December 9, 2021 at 2 pm in the Press Center of the National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic” (Chernihiv, 95 Shevchenka Street) a round table was held to summarize the project “Empowerment Program to restore understanding for community leaders in Ukraine” Digital World час »/ Empowerment Peace and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Program for Community Leaders in Ukraine« Peace in Digital Era ».

The project is implemented by the NGO “Center for Gender Education” in cooperation with the NGO “Human Rights Foundation” with the participation of teachers and applicants for higher education NU “Chernihiv Polytechnic”.

The project participants summed up and discussed the results of activities aimed at strengthening blogging and community leadership to promote reconciliation by combining the efforts of community leaders from different regions of Ukraine into a single platform.

The event was attended by representatives of government, NGOs, scientific and educational community. An important result of the project in Chernihiv region was the submission of proposals to the Department of Family, Youth and Sports of Chernihiv Regional State Administration to improve the implementation of the National Action Plan to implement UN Security Council Resolution 2250 “Youth, Peace, Security” of December 9, 2015. Council Resolution on Youth, Peace and Security).

The round table also discussed areas of cooperation for further implementation of the project and outlined an action plan that will help give young people a greater voice in decision-making at the local, national, regional and international levels and considered mechanisms to enable young people to participate significantly in peace.
