UniRank 2021

Chernihiv Polytechnic National University ranks 33rd in the international non-academic ranking UniRank University Ranking 2021

UniRank University Ranking is an international non-academic ranking that examines the quality of performance and popularity of the world’s universities in the web space. Compared to last year, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University rose by 24 positions in this ranking and took 33rd place (2020 – 57th place).

What are the most popular universities in Ukraine? UniRank is trying to answer this question by publishing a ranking of Ukrainian universities in 2021 of 185 Ukrainian higher education institutions that meet the following UniRank selection criteria:

  • registered, licensed or accredited by the relevant Ukrainian higher education organization
  • offers at least four years of bachelor’s, master’s, or graduate study
  • conducting courses mainly in traditional, full-time, non-distance education format

Our goal is to provide a non-academic table of the best Ukrainian universities based on real, unbiased and non-influential web indicators provided by independent sources of web information, rather than data provided by the universities themselves.

Information according to the site:  https://www.4icu.org/ua/