Dual Education
Opportunities for education seekers
General information
Dual education is a way of obtaining education by full-time students, which involves training at the workplace at enterprises, institutions and organizations to acquire a certain qualification in the amount of 25 percent to 60 percent of the total amount of the educational program based on the contract. On-the-job training involves the performance of job duties in accordance with the employment contract.
Dual education is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the University and the employer (enterprise, institution, organization, etc.), which provides for:
- the procedure for employment of a higher education applicant and payment for his work;
- the scope and expected results of the higher education student’s training at the workplace;
- obligations of the University and the employer in terms of the fulfillment by the student of higher education of an individual training plan at the workplace;
- the procedure for evaluating learning outcomes obtained at the workplace..
The main tasks of dual education are:
- overcoming the gap between theoretical and practical training;
- improving the quality of specialist training taking into account the requirements of employers;
- strengthening the role of employers in the system of training specialists;
- increasing the motivation of students of higher education to study and future professional activities in their specialty;
- shortening the period of adaptation of graduates to professional activity;
- increasing the competitiveness of graduates in the conditions of the modern labor market.
The advantages of dual education are:
- strengthening of tripartite cooperation “university-employer-student of higher education”;
- involvement of specialists from practical fields in educational activities (mentors, consultants, teachers);
- consideration of specific requests of enterprises (organizations) regarding the content and quality of education.
Normative framework for the introduction of a dual form of education
- Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”
- Decree of the CMU No. 660 dated September 19, 2018. The concept of training specialists according to the dual form of obtaining education
- The plan of measures for the implementation of the Concept of training specialists in a dual form of education, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 214 dated April 3, 2019.
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 175 dated February 13, 2019. “On the approval of the composition of the working group for the implementation of the 1st and 5th stages of the Concept of training specialists according to the dual form of obtaining education”
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 1296 of October 15, 2019
- On the introduction of the pilot project.pdf Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of September 15, 2021 No. 991 “On Amendments to the Order of October 15, 2019 No. 1296”
- The procedure for switching to a dual form of education
Information materials
Practical guide. ONTOLOGY OF DUAL EDUCATION: THE EXPERIENCE OF GERMANY AND UKRAINE / author(s): V. Bugaichuk, O. Davlikanova, I. Lylyk. and others. – Kyiv: “Vistka” LLC, 2022. – 240 p.
The publication provides an analysis of the process of formation of dual education in Germany and Ukraine, describes the features of the organization of cooperation with employers and the organization of training, basic principles, features of implementation in view of national contexts, provides cases and documents that will be useful to everyone who aims to implement or develop DFZO. This ontology examines dual education in all its complexity, taking into account historical, social, economic, managerial, philosophical and other aspects. - Analytical report on the results of the third year of the pilot project, which is implemented in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated 15.10.2019 No. 1296 “Regarding the introduction of a pilot project in institutions of professional pre-higher and higher education for the training of specialists in a dual form
Analytical report on the results of the third year of the pilot project, which is implemented in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated 15.10.2019 No. 1296 “Regarding the introduction of a pilot project in institutions of professional pre-higher and higher education for the training of specialists using a dual form of education” / authors: O. Buchynska, O. Davlikanova, T. Ishchenko, I. Lilyk, A. Chaikovska, O. Yashkin – Kyiv: LLC “Vistka”, 2022. – 100 p.
The report provides an analysis of the results of the third year of the experiment on the introduction of the dual form of education (DFZO) in institutions of professional pre-higher and higher education of Ukraine, describes approaches to the organization of cooperation with employers and their experience in training students of dual education, and also examines the experience of students of education, who went on to study under the DFZO. - Methodological recommendations for the implementation of a dual form of education / [Bugaychuk V., Buchynska O., Davlikanova O., Kovalchuk S., Leu-Severynenko S., Lylyk I., Perevozova I., Romanov M., Serik M., Chaikovska A.] ; in general ed. M. Romanov. – Kyiv: “Vistka” LLC, 2023. – 281 p. Methodological recommendations were developed with the aim of providing practical assistance to educational institutions, enterprises and students regarding the organization and implementation of a dual form of education. The methodical recommendations provide a sequence of actions for the implementation of a dual form of education, and based on the generalization of the current experience of Ukraine, instructions have been developed and templates of relevant documents have been provided. Methodological recommendations were issued within the framework of the project “Dual education for Ukraine”, which is implemented in partnership with the NGO “Ukrainian Marketing Association” and the USAID Project “Economic Support of Ukraine”.
- Toolkit on the implementation of a dual form of education (DFZO)
The toolkit is a step-by-step instruction on the implementation of a dual form of education (DFZO) for a participant in the process (e.g. educational institution, student or employer). The toolkit also contains links to the regulatory framework, document templates, and cases and practices of the implementation of the DFZO.
In addition, the opinions of the parties regarding the impact of the war on the development of stakeholder cooperation and the spread of the DFZO in Ukraine were studied. Intended for participants of the pilot project, employers and their associations, chambers of commerce, institutions of professional pre-higher and higher education, experts in the field of education, students of education, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, state authorities and local self-government bodies that take care of education issues, and other subjects interested in spreading the dual form of education in Ukraine.
Dual education infographic
The creation of this information page was made possible thanks to the support of the American people, provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in accordance with the terms of the grant provided by the NGO “Ukrainian Marketing Association” within the framework of the USAID Project “Economic Support of Ukraine”. The content of the publications is the responsibility of the university and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.