Colloquium “New Ideas: Student Analytical Projects on AI in Finance”

During March-May 2024, the course “Artificial Intelligence in EU Financial Institutions” was taught at the National University of Chernihiv Polytechnic as part of the AIFEU project under the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Module. The course included a set of lectures and practical classes on the following topics:

  • · The role of artificial intelligence technologies in the development of modern society (lecturer – S. Ivanets)
  • · Features of the functioning of financial institutions in the context of digitalization of the EU economies (lecturer – Kholiavko N.I.)
  • · Modern trends in the digitalization of EU financial institutions (lecturer – Kholiavko N.I.)
  • · Modern trends in the digitalization of financial institutions in Ukraine (lecturer – Kholiavko N.I.)
  • · The role of artificial intelligence in the development of EU banking institutions (lecturer – Dubyna M.V.)
  • · The role of artificial intelligence in the development of banking institutions in Ukraine (lecturer – Dubyna M.V.)
  • · Directions of using artificial intelligence in the activities of non-banking institutions of the EU (lecturer – A.V. Zhavoronok)
  • · Organizational features of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the activities of European and Ukrainian financial institutions (lecturer – Popelo O.V.)

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the lecturers of the course “Artificial Intelligence in EU Financial Institutions” for their professionalism, inspiration and willingness to answer any questions! You have made this course unforgettable and extremely useful!

The training course ended with the colloquium “New Ideas: Student Analytical Projects on AI in Finance”, which was held online on May 24, 2024. The colloquium presented analytical projects developed by higher education students as part of the course “Artificial Intelligence in EU Financial Institutions”. Stakeholders from various sectors of the economy who participated in the colloquium highly appreciated the students’ work. As a result of the event, higher education students have deepened their soft skills, in particular: presentation, communication skills, skills of defending their own point of view, critical thinking, leadership skills, teamwork skills, etc.

More than 40 students have received certificates following the successful completion of the course “Artificial Intelligence in EU Financial Institutions”.

We are grateful to the students of the course “Artificial Intelligence in EU Financial Institutions” for their active participation, mutual support and desire for knowledge! Together, we created an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance, which contributed to our common success. Your ideas have greatly enriched our experience and made learning even more interesting! We wish you all success in implementing the knowledge gained in real life!

Sincerely, AIFEU project team

The AIFEU project “Artificial Intelligence in EU Financial Institutions” (Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module) is co-funded by the European Union, however, the views and opinions expressed are those of the authors of this project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture. Neither the European Union nor the grantor can be held responsible for them.