Honorary doctors of the University
Leonid Kuchma
Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Second President of Ukraine (1994-2004)
Badri Gechbaia
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Business Management at Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University (Georgia)
Günther-Ulrich Tolkiehn
Doctor of Natural Sciences, Professor of Economic Informatics at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Germany)
John Davies
Doctor of Computer Sciences, Lecturer at Glyndŵr University (UK)
Dmitri Vinnikov
Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Power Electronics Group, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
Enrique Romero-Cadaval
Professor, Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, University of Extremadura (Spain)
Ketevan Goletiani
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Logistics, Batumi Navigation Teaching University (Georgia)
Larisa Takalandze
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Sokhumi State University (Georgia)
Miroslav Badida
Professor, Doctor of Science, Head of the Department of Technological and Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia)
Miroslav Kelemen
Professor, Rector of the University of Security Management in Košice (Slovakia)
Michał Warchola
Doctor of Sciences, President of the Academic Society named after M. Baludianskyi (Slovakia)
Nurlana Aliyeva
Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Rector of Baku Slavic University (Azerbaijan)
Paweł Czarnecki
Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Rector of Warsaw Management University (Poland)
Rafiq Novruzov
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Baku Slavic University (Azerbaijan)
Richard Fortmüller
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economic Pedagogy, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria)
Roustiam Chakirov
Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Sarkisyan Agop
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria)
Stanislav Szabo
Professor, Head of the Department of Air Transport, Faculty of Transport Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Ole Terje Horpestad
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Norway to Ukraine
Jan-Urban Sandal
Professor, owner of the Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute (Norway)
Anatolii Kutsevol
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Latvia