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Victory in the competition of legal startups

On October 21, 2023, the finals of the legal startup competition took place with the participation of partners of the “School of Legal Design” training program and representatives of the USAID program.

The organizers of the competition are KPI named after Sikorskyi and NGO “Laboratory of Legal Design”.

13 teams – graduates of the School of Legal Design – participated in the competition.

☝️ We would like to remind you that the “School of Legal Design” is a training course implemented by the NGO “Laboratory of Legal Design”, which allows you to acquire practical knowledge and skills in the application of modern technologies in the legal field to improve the quality of legal services and processes.

The educational program “Certificate program “School of Legal Design” started on May 27, 2023 and lasted 5 months. About 100 participants from different parts of Ukraine took part in the educational program, including students of higher education at the Faculty of Law of Chernihiv Polytechnic University: Marko Kulchikovskiy, Nataliya Kres, Anastasia Kalyan (academic group KYU-201). Alla Nitchenko, associate professor of the department of law enforcement and general legal disciplines, provided mentoring support

During their studies, legal professionals had the opportunity to explore new approaches to the development of legal solutions and services, as well as learn the most modern legal design techniques. One of the most important parts of the training was developing a legal startup and participating in a legal startup competition.

?First place in the competition of legal startups was won by the Charitable Fund team, which included Marko Kulchikovsky (Chernihiv Polytechnic University, higher education graduate), Vitaly Selyuchenko (Polisky National University, Zhytomyr, higher education graduate), Oleksandra Kovbasniuk (graduate of the National University “Odesa Law Academy”), Natalia Melnychuk (KNU named after T. Shevchenko, student of higher education).

The team developed the startup “Razom.bot” – a chatbot designed to ensure the availability of legal information and provide legal advice to citizens in simple terms regarding adoption both in Ukraine and abroad. Through this chatbot, users can receive consultations and necessary information on the preparatory stage of adoption quickly and efficiently.

? First place in the nomination “Educational Breakthrough” was won by the team “Come on then!” with ArmAlarm startup. This team included Natalia Kres and Anastasia Kalyan, students of the Faculty of Law of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, as well as P. Gurzhii, a graduate of KNEU, and V. Magazinnyk, a graduate of Odesa National University named after Mechnikova.

“ArmAlarm” startup is an online game platform that deals with solving the consulting problem of helping people affected by military actions. The functionality of the team startup includes support for charitable funds of Ukraine (for example, “Return alive”, Serhiy Prytula Charity Fund or “Your support”, etc.), a donation of UAH 30. if necessary, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will provide full access to the site. “ArmAlarm” is available to every student of higher education who is a member of the Legal Clinic in Ukraine.

?Congratulations to higher education graduates Marko Kulchikovsky, Anastasia Kalyan and Nataliya Kres for winning the legal startup competition!

The project “Certificate program “School of Legal Design” is carried out by the NGO “Laboratory of Legal Design” with the support of the American people, provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of the “Justice for All” Program