
The dictation of National Unity was written at Chernihiv Polytechnic National Universit

Today, on the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, the community of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University joined the writing of the All-Ukrainian radio dictation of National Unity-2023

Participation in this large-scale patriotic event has already turned into a good tradition for representatives of our university. After all, this is not only an opportunity to test your knowledge of the native language, but also to demonstrate your civic position, to feel unity with other participants of the dictation – Ukrainians who live not only in their native country, but also outside its borders.

The participants of the event wrote a text entitled “Roads of Ukraine” by the modern Ukrainian poetess, translator, author of prose works and laureate of the Shevchenko Prize Kateryna Kalytko under the dictation of the actor, theater director and performer of the role in the popular film “Dovbush” Oleksiy Hnatkovskyi. This year’s theme of the text of the dictation did not leave anyone indifferent: “The roads of Ukraine are tangled threads of love.”

Language is the most important marker of unification and identification, and the more people participate in such activities, the greater the platform for unification. For the second year in a row, due to the large-scale war waged by Russia to destroy everything Ukrainian, the event of writing the Dictation of Unity takes on a special significance – the unity of the nation, the unification of people from all over the world around Ukraine, and the popularization of the Ukrainian language. Radio dictation is not just about writing a text, it is about the irresistible desire of Ukrainians to know and develop the Ukrainian language and culture, first of all, within themselves.

The all-Ukrainian flash mob action of unity around the native language is taking place for the twenty-third year in a row. But every time it is distinguished by its uniqueness and deep symbolism, inspiring and motivating to write the best possible dictation.

They wrote lines on a piece of paper… They wrote dictation with love for their native words…