
Scopus ranking of universities in 2023

According to the annual ranking of Ukrainian institutions of higher education published on the website, according to the indicators of the Scopus scientometric database, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University ranks sixty-ninth.

Other institutions of higher education of the Chernihiv region are respectively occupied by:

  • Chernihiv Collegium National University named after T.G. Shevchenko – 118 steps,
  • Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University – 174.

The highest Hirsch index among Ukrainian institutions of higher education is Kyiv National University named after Shevchenko. Kharkiv National University named after Karazin. The third is the Lviv National University named after Frank

A total of 204 institutions of higher education are included in the rating.

The results of the rating are based on the citation rates of scientific articles published by educational institutions or their specialists.

The rating was compiled based on the results of scientometric monitoring of subjects of scientific and publishing activity of Ukraine according to the indicators of the SciVerse Scopus database in April 2023.

You can read the rating in detail at the link: