
Round table “Ukrainian language: history, current state, development prospects”

On October 27, 2023, the round table “Ukrainian language: history, current state, development prospects” was held at Chernihiv Polytechnic National University – a scientific forum of young researchers, the purpose of which was to increase the efficiency and quality of scientific research, to increase motivation to study and research the Ukrainian language. The event was organized by the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

The round table became a platform for communication between young researchers, allowed them to present their work, expand their scientific outlook and find like-minded people. It should be noted that the event traditionally gathers the most active students every year to discuss the current problems of the language space of our country. Scientific reports were presented by students of higher education from different years of study, which indicates the relevance of the topic of the event.

Opening the scientific meeting, the head of the department of philosophy and social sciences N. Shakun emphasized that the student body of our university is a close-knit community that does important work for Ukraine, does not stop scientific research and generates bold ideas. In her opinion, language issues have acquired special significance today and require a high level of awareness from every Ukrainian

Summarizing the results of the round table, the organizers emphasized the importance of enriching the internal outlook based on the language, culture and identity of one’s own people and ethnicity. The participants’ discussions emphasized the limitlessness and beauty of Ukrainian culture and outlined the need to return to one’s own Ukrainian identity.

We thank the participants for interesting and meaningful reports.

We believe that next year’s meeting will take place in a peaceful, victorious Ukraine!

Round table program