
Results of the I-Media project implementation in September

In September 2021, a new human rights program “Ya-Media” was launched in Chernihiv region, implemented by the National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic” in partnership with the NGO “Human Rights Foundation”, University of Tartu (Estonia), Sumy State University with financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Affairs of the Republic of Estonia.

The aim of the new project is to build a modern civil society by strengthening the voices of local leaders in the online blogosphere, using modern digital technologies and the power of the blog. The project aims to facilitate dialogue between the conflicting parties, strengthen the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons, and allow more young leaders to participate in public life at the level of their communities.

September seemed rich in project events. Thus, in particular, on September 15 in Chernihiv a round table was held with the involvement of public activists and media representatives, where the project opportunities and the main stages of its implementation were presented. And then for two weeks in a row on the basis of the National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic” two September training schools “1325: Woman. Peace. Security “and” Video blogging and advocacy “. The interregional format of the events was provided through the participation of motivated young leaders from two neighboring regions of Ukraine – Chernihiv and Sumy.

The main purpose of the intensive four-day trainings was to acquaint participants with various aspects of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, current issues of its implementation in Ukraine and opportunities to use blogging as a modern channel of communication, strengthening personal influence on socio-economic processes in local communities, protection of rights and conflict resolution. The training was carried out in an interactive format with the use of game components, exchange of ideas in small groups, participation in a theater forum to model possible ways to resolve conflict situations and more. On September 20, the participants of the training were visited by a delegation of scientists led by the Rector of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University Novomlynets OO, President of the Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine Nazarenko II, Rector of PSABA MV Savitsky, Vice-Rector for Research of PSABA V. V., vice-rector for educational work of SHEI PDABA Evseeva GP and other participants of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies in Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture”, which was currently taking place at the university.

During the second video-blogging training school, special emphasis was placed on the possibilities of using self-created video content to draw public attention to important social problems and find possible ways to solve them in the digital age. Thanks to a powerful training led by director, screenwriter and public figure Yuri Kochkarov, participants were able to improve their skills in writing scripts, shooting and editing social videos, presenting their own personal and group videos, share opinions after watching other participants’ works, hear feedback on recommendations. improvement of author’s works. During the training school, some participants wrote their own video script for the first time and overcame their fear of public speaking in front of the camera. In addition, a unique opportunity for novice bloggers was the simultaneous live broadcast on social networks TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube in front of their target audiences. And although it was as noisy as a beehive in a large lecture hall, it was the collective energy that helped to overcome the fear of streaming on important social issues. After all, if someone nearby does it, you can do it too. All you have to do is step out of your comfort zone and overcome your fears. During both training schools there was a very creative atmosphere, mutual assistance, a desire to understand the opinion of another and a tolerant attitude to sometimes diametrically opposed views on the same problem.

During the training schools, the participants made numerous posts in the open group of the Ya-Media project with their impressions of the training events, thoughts and insights, as well as posted their videos. You can get acquainted with these materials by calling:

The project is implemented by Chernihiv Polytechnic National University in cooperation with the Human Rights Foundation and the University of Tartu (Estonia).

The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia.