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Participation in the Kick-off meeting of the Horizon2020-MSCA-Innovative Training Networks SMARTGYsum project

Employees of the Department of RTVS – Head of the Department Veligorsky OA and associate professor Gusev OO took part in the Kick-off meeting of the Horizon2020-MSCA-Innovative Training Networks SMARTGYsum project, which took place from 28 to 30 October 2021 in Badajoz, Spain.

Our university is a participant in this project, which began in October 2020 and will last 4 years under the general management of the University of Extremadura (Spain).

The project aims to train new professionals through an interdisciplinary and innovative research and training program that combines different fields of industry with industry to enable a new generation of young researchers to develop a new “green” energy economy in Europe in general and in Ukraine in particular.

The project participants include 14 universities from Spain, Portugal, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Poland and our university – NU “Chernihiv Polytechnic”, which will be represented by employees of the Department of RTVS – Veligorsky OA, Gusev OO and Ivanets SA It is worth noting that the project partner is also the Chernihiv company PRAT TERA, which manufactures sensors and automation systems.

As part of the project, the RTVS department will manage one graduate student, whose research topic will be “Energy Router for Hybrid Microgrids for efficient and robust energy and power management” (with co-management from Gdansk Technical University), and co-supervisor of postgraduate students from CY Cergy Paris University Edge Computing System for Fault Tolerant, High Reliable and Resilient Power Electronic in Prosumers Applications ”. In addition, the head of the department of RTVS was elected to the position of Scientific Coordinator of the project, his task will be to monitor and guide the scientific component of the project. Also, the staff of the Department of RTVS will prepare three new courses for graduate students from all over Europe – “Power electronics converter topologies for storage integration of different energy generation sources”, “Digital Control in Power Electronics to enhance efficiency and robustness” and “PCB design techniques for power electronic devices to ensure reliability and resilience ”.

It is worth noting that our university is one of the two Ukrainian institutions of higher education, which this year for the first time in the history of Ukraine became participants in such a prestigious European project as Horizon2020-MSCA-Innovative Training Networks.

So, the project has started, there is a lot of work ahead with graduate students from all over Europe in the framework of doctoral schools, co-management of research, scientific publications and participation in conferences!

Information according to the Department of Radio Engineering and Embedded Systems