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Participation in international events for startups as part of the Ukrainian delegation.

On 08-10 July 2024, Kateryna Hnedina, Coordinator of Startup Development, Innovation and Project Based Learning, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, took part in the Startup BW Discovery Tour as part of the programme ‘The LÄND welcomes UKRAINE’ – an introductory tour for representatives of startups and innovators organised by Baden-Württemberg International.

As part of the study tour, participants explored the innovation ecosystem of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and visited startup centres, startup accelerators, innovation and research institutions, including such key centres as CyberForum, BadenCampus, AI Xpress, Nord Research Campus at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

On 11 July 2024, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor K.V. Gnedina took part in the large-scale summit ‘Start-up BW Summit 2024’ (Stuttgart, Germany), during which she represented the start-up ‘Insulin without Queues’.

The international summit was attended by government officials and the community of Baden-Württemberg, startups from around the world, investors, representatives of research and innovation infrastructure, startup incubators, etc. Members of the Ukrainian delegation had the opportunity to present their startups to Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister of Economy, Labour and Tourism of the region, who joined the event.

The participation of Ukrainian startups in the ‘Startup BW Discovery Tour’ and ‘BW Startup Summit 2024’ was organised by Enterprise Europe Network Ukraine, Steinbeis Europe Centre with the support of the Ministry for Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-Württemberg and Start-Up BW Landeskampagne.