відкрита лекція 29_11 14_30 (2) (2)

Open lecture by Luc Floissac

On November 29, within the framework of cooperation between Chernihiv Polytechnic National University and the Association of Ecological Construction “Le Gabion” (France), an open lecture by Luc Floissac, Doctor of Geography and Planning, holder of the certificate of a specialist in architecture and environmental quality, was held on the topic “Straw Structures: History, Resources and Techniques”.

The lecture was joined by students of specialities (educational programmes) of the Educational-Scientific Institute of Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction:

  • 131 Applied Mechanics (Welding Technologies and Equipment),
  • 192 Construction and Civil Engineering (Construction and Civil Engineering)

The students received valuable information on the use of ordinary straw as a structural material, the peculiarities of technologies in the construction of various buildings and structures in France. The lecturer gave many examples of ‘green’ architectural and construction solutions and completed projects using environmentally friendly materials.

We thank our French partners and the Department of Welding and Construction Technologies of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University for organising the lecture.

We are happy to invite everyone to the next meetings