Снимок экрана 2023-10-25 в 09.39.47

Lecture on the discipline “Start up creation” with the participation of a stakeholder

On October 25, 2023, at the invitation of Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Taxation by Y. Peretyatko. A lecture on the discipline “Start up creation” was held for PI-201 and AM-201 groups with the participation of the invited stakeholder Inna Cherevko, co-founder of the Private Language School and owner of the Clever child development center and the Smakota coffee shop

During the meeting, Inna talked about her own entrepreneurial experience from an idea to her own business, about the peculiarities of doing business in conditions of uncertainty, about ways to attract financial resources for opening her own business and motivation.

We sincerely thank Inna for the meaningful information and the formation of entrepreneurial skills in students of higher education.