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International study visit

International study visit to the Vienna University of Technology as part of the Erasmus+ PROMENT project

Within the framework of the international technical assistance project of the European Union Erasmus+ “Promoting professional education and students engagement through comprehensive mentoring and tutoring system at HEIs” in July 8-15, 2023, the educational visit was held within the PROMENT project to the Vienna University of Technology (Austria), which is a partner of the International Consortium.

Vienna University of Technology (TUWien) is one of the leading European universities, which has more than 27,000 students and 4,000 employees. Bobryshev Yevhen, Associate Professor at the Department of Information and Computer Systems, participated in the educational visit from the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University. During the week, project participants from Ukrainian and Georgian universities met with curators of various TUWien mentoring programs and representatives of student self-government.

Concepts and possibilities of implementation of European experience in universities of Ukraine and Georgia were discussed in order to improve the interaction between students and the administrative and scientific-pedagogical staff of higher education institutions. Considerable attention was also paid to the software and software support of the mentoring programs. The experience of Austrian colleagues is relevant and can be implemented at the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University in the next academic year.

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