
International Day of Philosophy

Since 2002, the International Day of Philosophy has been celebrated on the third Thursday of November according to the regulations of the UNESCO General Conference.

The idea of celebrating the International Day of Philosophy is to unite people around the philosophical search for answers to questions about our own existence and the world in which we live, to create a platform for public debate among thinkers and civil society on the pressing issues facing modern humanity.

Philosophy, as a love of wisdom, allows a person to rise above the mundane, to give birth to new ideas, to explore fundamental truths and stimulate critical thinking.

The Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University congratulates those for whom philosophy has become a professional calling and all those who rise above the ordinary through friendship with wisdom! Let’s create meanings together!

The 1st and 3rd year students of the speciality “Philosophy”, educational programme “Analytics of Socio-Political Processes” congratulate you on the International Day of Philosophy.



