
Hackathon “Technological solutions for working with memory”.

On April 4, Chernihiv Polytechnic University hosted a hackathon competition for students on the development of digital memory projects for the first time!

With the support of the “Partnership for the Stability of Ukraine” (FPSU) fund, which implements projects, primarily in the de-occupied and front-line territories, aimed at strengthening the stability of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

Students presented their memory projects about the events of the Russian invasion of Chernihiv region: from the damage caused and memorialization of the dead to personal stories of people and animals, wartime humor.

The projects from the participants were quite diverse, including the development of a website and chatbots, the creation of videos for data visualization, and the transmission of information using comics.

A total of 7 projects from student teams were presented, including: “MyWarMemories”, “Legal phoenix”, “Revival of Memory”, “Patriot”, “Echo of War”, “Thankful to Heroes” and “KTKT”.

The jury evaluated students’ projects and asked questions about its implementation.

The jury included:

  • – Anton Drobovych – head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance;
  • – Serhii Butko – regional representative of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance in the Chernihiv region;
  • – Louis Bickford – specialist in working with memory of the Foundation “Partnership for the Sustainability of Ukraine”, adjunct professor at Columbia and New York universities;
  • – Sharanjit Parmar – Senior Advisor on Transitional Justice of the Foundation “Partnership for the Stability of Ukraine”;
  • – Holub Vyacheslav Lvovich – Deputy Director of the Department of Family, Youth and Sports of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration, Head of the Family and Youth Department, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration.

After the presentation of the projects, the jury was able to determine the winners.

  • The team called “Echo of War” (NNI BPT) took the lead.
  • The second place was divided among the teams: “Revival of memory” (Faculty of Law) and “Grateful to the heroes” (NNI E | Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences).
  • The third place was taken by the “Patriot” team (collective team of the Professional Committee).

All participants received prizes from the foundation and were satisfied with the work that each of them did during the creation of their project.

Chernihiv Polytechnic University is sincerely grateful to the students and teachers who participated in the event!

Our strength is unity!

Фото: Віктор Кошмал