Снимок экрана 2021-10-25 в 18.12.27

Guest lecture by Volodymyr Zubchenko

Volodymyr Zubchenko’s guest lecture on “Trends in the use of data science & business intelligence in business and innovation” took place on October 25 as part of the week of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics.

The event was joined by more than 50 graduates of various specialties and teachers of the Institute of Economics

Volodymyr Zubchenko is the director of the Business School of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, a certified actuary (British Institute of Actuaries, UK), a coach of the program of development of internal innovations and digital transformations, more than 5 years of experience in implementing use cases using data science & business intelligence in banking and insurance, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Society of Actuaries of Ukraine, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.