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Guest lecture by a foreign professor

A guest lecture by a foreign professor on the topic “Business communication and effective public speaking” was hel

At the invitation of the Department of Marketing, PR Technologies and Logistics, on November 3, 2023, a guest lecture by Baard Borch Michalsen, associate professor at UiT The Arctic, was held for students of higher education of all educational levels of the National Institute of Economics, National Institute of Business, Nature Management and Tourism, as well as the Faculty of Science and Technology University of Norway and Nord University (Norway).

Topic of the lecture: “Business communication and effective public speaking”. “When you soon leave university to start working, you will spend 70 percent of your time socializing. That’s why you should master the ability to communicate effectively” – convinced prof. Baard Borch Michalsen. At the lecture, the professor explained the principles of business communication and the tools of public speaking.