
Dear servicemen, veterans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, participants in hostilities!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday – the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is a holiday of strong, brave, courageous people who defend the Motherland. Your service is not just a profession, it is a matter of life.

Today the servicemen show deep patriotism, resilience, endurance and responsibility, do everything possible to strengthen the defense capabilities of our state.

Deep respect to all those who gave their lives in the name of freedom of Ukraine, courageously defending their homeland, and all those who serve in the ATO / OOS zone for devotion to the Ukrainian people, indomitable will and fearlessness of those who now strengthen the country’s defense!

Congratulations on your professional holiday and wishes the soldiers a speedy return to their families with victory, as well as good health, reliable rear and faith in a happy future and success in the field of service to the Ukrainian people!

Slava Ukraini, Heroiam slava!