
Closing of summer school

On July 5, 2024, the Summer school “Shaping urban environments for tomorrow” organized in the frame of the international project Erasmus+ UniCities was completed. During the week, the attendees had a unique opportunity to listen to lectures and take part in discussions with the participation of both famous European (Olga Cordas, Oleksii Pasichny, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden); Jaime Moreno Serna, The Technical University of Madrid) and Ukrainian experts (Vira Balabukh, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute; Olexandr Kucheriavyi, Architect, Active House Academy; Konstiantyn Mezentsev, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University; Konstantyn Kuchabsky and Roman Sakh, Platform “Ostriv”).

During the summer school, the attendees worked on cases on restoration and sustainable development of the campus of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University.

Our university was represented by the students of various specialties – Economics; Architecture and Urban Planning; Food Technologies; Accounting and Taxation; Software Engineering; Electric power, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics: Anastasia Soroka, Alina Bilous, Victoria Bybyk, Oleksandra Nebykova, Margarita Deblik, Maxim Koshil, Anastasia Kravchenko, Daria Horlach, Alyona Bodunova, Victoria Shvets, Artem Krasenko, Svitlana Konovalenko, Olga Gavryk, Dmytro Tkachuk, Tetyana Chebotar, Anastasia Khomenko, Olga Havryk, Yevhen Skachok.

The students were helped by the teachers of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, the members of the UniCities project team – Olena Savchenko, Zhanna Derii, Anatoly Prystupa, Nataliia Buialska, Iryna Bilous.

Six teams were formed, each of which presented its project based on the gained experience:

  • Seventeen Team – project “Designing a passive, partially autonomous dormitory”
  • BarHouse Team – project “VertiGREEN Smart Vertical Hydroponic Greenhouse”
  • EcoVance Team – project “New Type Shelter”
  • M&H Team – project “Relaxation Zone: Interactive Area for Enhancing Student Interaction and Improving Psycho-Emotional State During War”
  • GreenFuture Team – project “Eco area in front of the 1st Campus building CPNU”
  • A1 Team – project “Redevelopment Dormitory”.

The projects included the development of vertical hydroponic greenhouses, underground shelters, dormitory redevelopment, passive partially autonomous dormitory and campus landscaping.

The presented projects showed the great potential of the summer school attendees, their desire to participate in the joint transformation of the urban environment based on modern international experience. The attendees learned a lot of new things and gained teamwork skills that are essential to solve actual problems of transforming cities towards sustainable development and climate neutrality. The M&H team won. The second and third places with a minimal distance were taken by the BarHouse and GreenFuture teams.

The UniCities project team of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University thanks the organizers of the summer school for the opportunity to gain invaluable experience in using the latest achievements of science and technology to solve environmental issues by transforming the urban environment.