
Celebrate World Philosophy Day

The Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Chernihiv Polytechnic congratulates all those who want to know themselves and the world around them with the World Philosophy Day!

Every year on the third Thursday of November, World Philosophy Day is celebrated. The main purpose or idea of this holiday is to make philosophy closer to everyone who is interested in such activities that open new opportunities for philosophical reflection, intellectual search, critical thinking and discussion.

Philosophy belongs to those disciplines, the study of which not only ensures the effective assimilation of the necessary components of the curriculum of higher education, but also encourages their own considerations on important worldview issues of human life, helps students gain the ability to speak to the audience, defend their point of view, be able generate new ideas, think creatively.

The Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Chernihiv Polytechnic invites those who are not indifferent to the philosophical search to the Interdisciplinary Seminar “CULTURE. CIVILIZATION. SCIENCE “(moderator Assoc. Prof. Kiselytsya SV), which will take place on November 25 at 14.45 in online format at the link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8446356908?pwd=VjcybUlnM0t0NXRKcG5TWGhIVDdSQT09

Meeting ID: 844 635 6908

Passcode: 5FNCRG

Also on the occasion of the holiday, graduates of the law faculty of the AYU-201 group (Streltsova Oleksandra, Yashchenko Ilona, Antonenko Victoria, Truba Vladislava, Kuts Anna, Bespalova Alina, Yushchenko Angelina, Krivopusk Diana, Grishanov Oleg, Mosich Yaroslav, Bukatina Victoria, Tk Stelmakh Karina) and groups TsGYU-201 (Kravchenko Elena, Bykh Evgeniya, Pekur Daria, Gulevich Artur, Artyukh Diana, Khomenko, Markova Anna, Kiselyov Nikita, Eryoma Zhanna, Rozhkova Svetlana, Revenok Vladislav, Zarovna Kateryna, Karpovets Valentina Elvira from Moscow, Angelina Domyshlynets, Ivan Rakunenko, Anna Zinkovets, Vadym Prisyazhny, Ilya Popruzhny (as part of mastering the discipline “Philosophy” (teacher Assoc. Prof. Shakun NV) performed a creative task – shot a video on philosophical topics.

Watch the video: