
Bologna Hub Peer Support

On December 21, 2021 within the framework of the international project “Bologna Hub Peer Support” the working group of the Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University discussed the main tasks identified as the main directions of improving the quality of education. Chernihiv Polytechnic with international experts on the quality of higher education Catherine Mayer-Lantermann (Germany) and Eglantina Gisa (Albania). Head of the   Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department Remnova L.M. acquainted the participants with the main approaches to curriculum mapping, which are widely used in international practice and help to assess the balance of the curriculum of the educational program by the degree of manifestation of competencies and their consistency with the program results.

The working group’s analysis of the developed matrix of competencies according to the methodology proposed by international experts revealed bottlenecks in the existing curriculum for bachelors in “Management” educational and professional program “Personnel Management and Labor Economics”, which will be taken into account when developing a new curriculum for 2022- 2023 academic year.

he Bologna Hub Peer Support project is implemented by Chernihiv Polytechnic National University in partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the financial support of Erasmus +.
