
As part of the I-Media project, a mentoring program began in November

November 2021 was marked by the continuation of the international project “I – Media” in Chernihiv region. This is a human rights program for young community leaders, which aims to increase their activity in social processes and increase their influence on the formation of modern media space through the use of such a modern communication channel as blogging. On October 17, 2021, Blog Cafe №3 “Copywriting in social networks” (moderator – Anna Verbytska, Member of the Chernihiv European NGO, Candidate of Science in Public Administration, Head of the Department of Marketing, PR-Technologies and Logistics) took place. During the event, the participants of the blog cafe learned the basics of copywriting as a tool for bloggers and public activists: ways to convey emotions in the text, anti-rules of writing text for the blog.

The use of modern communication format of the cafe-cafe contributed to a relaxed and creative atmosphere of communication, exchange of ideas and opportunities to practice using the method of “digitization of emotions” and stylistic copywriting techniques (antithesis, parcelling, metaphor, epithet, personification, personification).

In accordance with the objectives of the I-Media project, a three-month mentoring program was launched in November, the main goal of which is the personal development of young bloggers with the help of experienced mentors. Agreements on participation in the mentoring program during November 2021 – January 2022 were concluded with the 10 most active participants of the project in Chernihiv region.

As part of the mentoring program, 4 thematic author’s blog channels have already been created on the You Tube platform:

  1. Natalia Kress’s YouTube channel “Discrimination and Humanity” in English with subtitles in Ukrainian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd2DDCA7P1ffDpYUFVQgB5Q.
  2. Anastasia Kalyan’s YouTube channel “Gender Power Blog” in two languages: Ukrainian and English:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Wlfe7LPXgYydvsHplnMUw.
  3. Valentina Karpovets’ YouTube channel “Home Violence”:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrGxT2boGy7Nzquywv4pqg/featured.
  4. Maxim Shcherbinin’s YouTube channel “Corruption, isn’t it?”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNfLnAuDqKcE0fg-EAX4MWg.

In addition, as part of the Ya-Media project, 25 blog channels were created in November on the Chernihiv BLOGOSPHERE blog platform.

You can get acquainted with thematic blogs, videos and posts of project participants in the open group of the project “I-Media” by vocation:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/project.i.am.media/, as well as on the Chernihiv blogosphere : https://blog.stu.cn.ua/category/ja_media/.

Two more blog cafes are scheduled for December 2021 and will be no less interesting. Follow the announcements, join the project and develop useful modern media skills and leadership skills with us.

The project is implemented by Chernihiv Polytechnic National University in cooperation with the Human Rights Foundation and the University of Tartu (Estonia). The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia.