Archiving human memories as a tool for preserving historical memory: Edward Serotta’s experience
Edward Serotta, a writer, photographer and film director who has dedicated over 40 years of work in Central and Eastern Europe had visited Chernihiv Polytechnic National University on December 9.
The main topic of the event was war, human memories and their archival recording. Edward Serotta presented his works, in particular those related to the Holocaust and the modern war in Ukraine. His creative work not only tells about the tragic events of the past, but also helps to realize the importance of documenting personal stories for future generations.
The meeting included not only a presentation of Mr. Serotta’s works, but also live communication with students. Young people had the opportunity to ask questions that interested them, learn more about the process of archiving memories and the influence of personal stories on the formation of historical consciousness. Edward emphasized that although no one wants to live in history, modernity dictates its conditions, and people become direct participants in events that affect the future.
“No one wants to live in history, but you are living through it,” Edward Serotta noted.
Particular attention was paid to the possibilities of preserving personal stories by recording them in the archive. This meeting became important for preserving the memory of tragic events and further research into history thanks to materials collected in a joint archive.