


On the occasion of the Science Week at the National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic”, the staff of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and the Directorate of the Educational and Research Institute of Economics held a round table “ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROCESSES: THEORY AND PRACTICE”. The event, held in an online format, brought together about 30 participants, including well-known Ukrainian scientists, research and teaching staff, and higher education students.

Director of the Institute, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor A.O. Pinchuk, opening the scientific event, emphasized that the scientific round table not only identified the key areas of research on socio-political transformation, but also aimed to demonstrate the contribution of the academic staff of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic” to the study of local and global problems of social progress.

The round table was organized in the following main areas:

  • Philosophy of Development of the Humanitarian Sphere of Ukraine in Times of War and Peace: From Theory to Social Practices (contributed by N.V. Khamitov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Leading Researcher at the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the International Association of Philosophical Art, Honorary Doctor (Professor) of the University – National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic).
  • Education VS Politics: Pro et Contra (supplementary by A.I. Boyko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Cherkasy State Technological University).
  • Socio-Philosophical Analysis of Transformation Processes in Modern Societies (by V.A. Mandrahel, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic”).
  • Media and Politics: Mutual Influences through the Eyes of Students. (Contributed by O.I. Hutsol, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University.
  • National Security of Ukraine: Analysis of Threats in the Sphere of Domestic Policy (by O. Kruk, PhD in History, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Social Sciences, National University of Chernihiv Polytechnic).

The event was co-organized by the Department of Philosophy and Political Science of Cherkasy State Technological University.

The roundtable was moderated by the Head of the Department of Philosophy, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor N.V. Shakun.

The discussion was attended by teachers and students, who had the opportunity not only to express their own vision of the issues, but also to gain new knowledge from other experts in the field.

Summarizing the results of the scientific roundtable, all participants noted that philosophy is now an effective tool for understanding modern society, and also emphasized the crucial role of social and humanitarian technologies for analyzing and forecasting social transformations.