
“Advanced algorithms and software solutions for geospatial monitoring data analysis”.

On March 6, 2024, a guest lecture on the topic “Advanced algorithms and software solutions for geospatial monitoring data analysis” was held for the College of Geodesy and Land Management, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, the Faculty of Environmental Design.

The main goal of the event was to acquaint students with modern methods and technologies for providing geospatial monitoring related to geodetic measurements. The lecture was conducted by a well-known expert in the field – Roman Schultz, who works at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Aviation and Space Research.

Roman Schulz is the head of the Remote Sensing and Analysis Laboratory and a senior researcher, associate professor, PhD, and professor at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in the United Arab Emirates. We express our gratitude to all participants who joined the lecture and enriched their scientific experience.