Project IEMAST
In recent decades, the attention of mankind has been focused on the problem of the environmental condition. Society has realized that further harmonious development is impossible without the education of environmental culture and consciousness, people’s awareness of the state of the environment in the world and their place of residence. Modern times are an epoch of acute conflict between human society and nature, when irrational economic activity has disturbed the dynamic balance of the biosphere of our planet. This caused its progressive destruction: depletion of natural resources, a sharp deterioration in the quality of the environment, mass diseases of plants, animals and humans. As a result, there is a threat to the further development of human civilization on Earth. Environmental degradation reduces the supply of raw materials, complicates technological cycles and worsens the overall state of ecological systems. Annual anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere are 6 * 1011 tons (6.7 million tons of harmful substances in Ukraine), 450 km3 of dirty wastewater is discharged into the river systems of the Earth (7817 million m3 in the reservoirs of Ukraine). In 2010, Ukraine accumulated more than 431.6 million tons of waste, among which 419.2 million tons – in the field of production, which leads to threatening soil pollution.
Successful living in modern conditions requires special attention to the use of creative intellectual potential of human resources. Its implementation is possible by educating young professionals with a high environmental culture and education.
In October 2011, Chernihiv National University of Technology became a participant in the Tempus project “Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Industrial Ecology”. The project coordinator is KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) – one of the largest leading technical universities in Europe. Detailed information about the project and its participants can be found at
Within the framework of the project in CNUT it is planned to open the specialty 8.18010017 – Economics of environment and natural resources, with a new specialization “Industrial ecology”.
Anyone with a basic (educational qualification level of bachelor) and full (educational qualification level of specialist and master) higher education in economic, environmental, natural and technical direction will be able to get a higher economic education in a magistracy in the specialty “Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources”. Thus, graduates who have received a bachelor’s qualification in these specialties will be able to receive a complete higher economic education, and their colleagues who already have a qualification of a specialist or master of technical specialties, training in a master’s degree in the specialty “Economics of the environment and natural resources” will allow them to get a second higher economic education.
At this stage, the teachers of CNUT are developing qualification requirements for specialists in the economics of the environment and natural resources, the equipment for a new laboratory in ecology is being chosen, which is planned to be opened in the second semester of the 2012/2013 academic year using funds allocated by the Tempus project.
Kazimir V.V. is a renowned scientist in the field of informatics and computerized control systems. His main scientific achievements are associated with the development of a new scientific direction for the creation of model-oriented control systems for intelligent production systems. For many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the development of domestic science and significant achievements in the organization of educational work Kazimir V.V. was awarded Diplomas of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2008), Department of Education and Science of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration (2009) and Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For special services to the Ukrainian people” (2011). |
Project participants: |
![]() Buialska Nataliia Pavlivna, born in 1979. In 2001 she graduated with honors from Chernihiv State Pedagogical University named after T.G. Shevchenko, majoring in “Chemistry, Biology and Ecology”. From 2001 to 2004 she studied at the graduate school of Chernihiv State Technological University (CSTU). In 2005 she defended her dissertation on the specialty “Chemical resistance of materials and corrosion protection”. Since 2002 she has been working as an assistant, since 2006 as a senior lecturer, and since April 2007 as an associate professor of the Department of Food Technologies, Chemistry and Life Safety of CSTU. She teaches such disciplines as “Fundamentals of ecology”, “Ecology”, “Safety of life”, “Construction materials and corrosion protection”. During her scientific activity, about 60 works were published, including a patent of Ukraine for an invention, a textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine. Research interests are environmental problems of cleaning of thermal power equipment; utilization of production waste, substandard pesticides and pharmaceuticals in corrosion protection; problems of ecological education in higher educational institutions, etc. |
![]() Tsybulia Serhii Dmytrovych was born on September 14, 1972 in the city of Chernihiv. In 1990 he entered the Chernihiv branch of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and in 1995 he graduated from the Chernihiv Technological Institute (CTI) with a degree in “Technology and equipment of welding production” and received a degree in mechanical engineering. In 1995 he entered the graduate school of CTI in the specialty 05.17.14 “Chemical resistance of materials and corrosion protection”. Candidate’s dissertation was successfully defended at the Institute of Physics and Mechanics named after H.V. Karpenko at National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv) in 1999. Educational work. Since 1997 he has worked as an assistant at the Department of Technogenic Safety, Ecology and Protection of Metals from Corrosion, since 2000 as an Assistant at the Department of Machines and Apparatus for Chemical Fiber and Textile Industry, in 2006 – Associate Professor of Chemistry, Corrosion Protection and Life Safety, 2002 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, from 2003 to present Dean of the Faculty of Economics. His scientific activity began in 1992 and is carried out on the topic of improving the technogenic safety of metal structures. During his scientific activity more than 50 scientific and methodical works have been published. |
![]() Kostenko Ihor Andriiovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1987 entered the Chernihiv branch of KPI, majoring in “Industrial Electronics”. 1988-1990 – service in the army. After his release, he continued his studies at the Chernihiv Institute of Technology and received a degree in electronic engineering. Since 1993 worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Composite Materials (in-service). Since 1995 he worked as a trainee lecturer, assistant of the Department of Technogenic Safety, Ecology and Corrosion Protection of Metals, as well as a senior lecturer, associate professor of the Machines and Apparatus for Chemical Fiber of Chernihiv State Technological University. He successfully completed postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.17.14 “Chemical resistance of materials and corrosion protection” and defended his dissertation (NTUU “KPI”, Kyiv, 2001). The main direction of scientific activity is the study of the influence of industrial environmental pollution on the effectiveness of corrosion protection of structural materials. He has 75 scientific and scientific-methodical works, teaches disciplines “Ecology”, “Structural materials and corrosion protection”, “Safety of life”. |