International project under the ERASMUS + program “Development of the potential of higher education”, Key Action 2:
Cooperation among organisations and institutions
Project name: Unlocking the Transformative potential of Ukrainian Universities towards climate neutral and sustainable cities.
Project ID: 101083099 — UNICITIES — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE
The project implementation period: 01.02. 2023 – 31.01.26.
- Summer school
- Opening of “University – City” Collaboration Centers
- Results of the startup competition ‘Startup-Way to Success – 2024’: Innovations that are changing the future!
- The collaboration with Expertise France continues
- Сooperation with Expertise France
Chernihiv Polytechnic University-city collaboration center
Concept of Unicities Collaboration Centers Hub (UCCHub)
UCCHub: https://chntu.sharepoint.com/sites/uac-hub/SitePages/Home.aspx?app=portals
Access to the center is allowed only to registered users. For guest viewing, use the following credentials:
login name: [email protected]
password: Unicities2024
To register as a member of the center, fill out the form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=fhTHM3STBUqhdUM2cYWz97CjyDaE57hIiyLOZwEazF9UNVVIRzI3U0JNQk4xMjVHNFVKREJLWFdLSS4u
Technical support: [email protected]
Project consortium includes:
- Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden – project coordinator.
- Universidad Politecnica De Madrid (UPM),
- National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (NTUU KPI), Ukraine.
- Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (CPNU),
- Higher Education Institution Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific And Technical University (ISTU), Ukraine;
- Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (NLUU), Kharkiv, Ukraine;
- Charitable Organization Charitable Fund Canactions (CANactions), Kyiy, Ukraine.
- All-Ukrainian Association Of Local Government Authorities Association Of Ukrainian Cities (AUC), Kyiy, Ukraine.
- Public union «Association of the engineers of stable energy technologies of Ukraine (AESETU), Kyiy, Ukraine.
- Ukrainian Research Hydrometeorological Institute Of The State Emergency Service Of Ukraine And The National Academy Of Science Of Ukraine (UHMI), Kyiy, Ukraine.
The general goal of the project
To unlock the transformative potential of Ukrainian universities as catalysts and accelerators of systemic change in cities towards sustainability, resilience and climate neutrality through interdisciplinary, challenge-driven and collaborative education, research and innovation.
Climate neutrality of the city is the idea of achieving a zero balance between the greenhouse gases that the city emits into the atmosphere and the greenhouse gases that are absorbed by natural ecosystems and artificial systems in the city.
A sustainable city, or an ecologically clean city, or an eco-city is a city designed with environmental impact in mind, inhabited by people who strive to optimize the use of energy, water, food and waste, and to eliminate the unreasonable release of thermal energy, air pollution with carbon dioxide and methane, water and soil pollution.
The main results of the project include:
- Help universities and their urban partners to build collaborative capabilities to accelerate climate transition in cities;
- Create innovative intermediate structures for new multi-stakeholder ecosystems at four Ukrainian universities to foster climate and sustainability transition in cities;
- Provide a neutral and trustful platform for dialogue and co-creation, and facilitate collaborative efforts towards climate neutrality and sustainability between researchers, students, cities, companies and civil society actors.
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University provides:
- Design and launch of university-city collaboration centers
- University-city collaboration centers launch event to ensure visibility for the centers, attract local stakeholders, faculty and students
- Sustainability planning for university-city collaboration centers
- Establishing open inter-institutional collaboration to boost replication and scale-up
- Participation in two interdisciplinary, challenge-driven summer schools “Shaping urban environments for tomorrow”
- Developing and piloting an interdisciplinary, project-based MSc level course (7.5 ECTS) “Smart Cities and climate adaptation and mitigation strategies”.
The project team from Chernihiv Polytechnic:
- Project coordinator
- DSc., professor Volodymyr Kazymyr, professor of Information and Computer Systems department
- Researcher
- DSc., professor Sergii Shkarlet, the first vice-rector;
- Teachers:
- DSc., professor Zhanna Derii, head of the Economy, Accounting and Taxation department;
- DSc., professor Olena Savchenko, head of Architecture and Environment Design department;
- PhD, associate professor Bilous Iruna, head of Information technology and Software Engineering department;
- PhD, associate professor Anatoliy Prystupa, head of Information and Measurement Technologies, Metrology and Physics department;
- PhD, associate professor Natalya Buialska, associate professor of Food Technologies and Ecology department;
- PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor Hanna Dyvnych, head of international relations department.
- Technical support
- Dmytro Susa, director of Educational-Scientific Information Computing Center
- Finance manager
- Natalia Gaidai, accountant